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MMD3 Targets


MMD3 targets represent the apex of the modernization of live fire training, ending the primitive methodology of DIY plywood targets rigged with bits and pieces of purchased accessories.  They are full size, integrated with thermal sensors and exponentially more durable than anything on the market.  How confident are we? Let us highlight a few key details so you can make up your own mind about MMD3 targets being a revolutionary new tool for range officers and war fighters.  


Hits to center mass don't cause a target to fail. The proprietary target design protects the vulnerable spots that render a target inoperable such as legs, wiring and upper middle. Designed for durability, the fiberglass MMD3 target is equal to 4-6 plywood targets, reducing range preparation and maintenance time by 80%.

thermal comparison.heic


Viewed through thermal imaging, MMD3 targets exhibit a clear enemy threat.  Designed to maintain at least 10 degrees above ambient temperature without having to be placed at a specific angle or constantly re-heated. Need a higher temperature differential for extreme conditions?  Easy. We'll show you how.   

FT IRWIN Daytime view of T72 _edited.jpg
MMD3 target between two truck targets


MMD3 targets make preparing the range easy and efficient easy. Produced to be lifted, repaired or replaced in less than ten minutes, reducing range downtime by 80%. How? Despite their durability, our targets weigh 21% less than their plywood counterparts, plug-into the lift and need nothing else. Period.    

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